From: "J. A. McNamara" Subject: stupid C question To: djgpp AT sun DOT soe DOT clarkson DOT edu Date: Sun, 12 Nov 1995 13:04:08 -0500 (EST) Guided by naive and idealistic assumptions about human potential, I am learning C . . . I've looked through K&R and the djgpp docs, and haven't seen anything that helps with this -- I'm willing to believe that I just missed it, though. I also consulted somebody who knows C, and he was baffled -- he says he uses the Zortech compiler, and doesn't have this problem. He suggested that there might be something like "flush" or "flushbuf," but I can't find it. I find that when I do a printf, or putchar, nothing appears on the screen until I send a "\n" to standard output -- i.e., I'm trying to write a DOS more that works like unix more (e.g. you can page back, etc.) and I'd like the "continue" prompt at the botom of the screen to appear, but leave the cursor on that same line, so as not to waste space and generally be half-assed. So, is there any way to force the buffer to flush to standard output without a newline? (and also w/o just bumming Zortech off this guy and using that, which seems inelegant) thanks in advance for any help . . . ----------------------------------------- ---------------- b o b b y t h e g i a n t s n a i l J. A. McNamara "You no longer exist, Franz Bubendorf." grulm AT netaxs DOT com ----------------------------------------- ---------------- "Bless the wind that shakes the barley, curse the spade and curse the plough." -- Shane MacGowan