Date: Wed, 04 Oct 1995 19:39:55 -0500 To: jan AT stack DOT urc DOT tue DOT nl (Jan Oonk) From: car AT wwa DOT com (Chris A. Rodgers) Subject: software to the mailing list Cc: djgpp AT sun DOT soe DOT clarkson DOT edu >Major update! Can convert .OBJ, .LIB and any other file into .COFF! I am (by no means) one to stifle creativity, ingenuity, productivity, or anything along those lines, but is it a good idea to send uuencoded binaries to the entire list? I would think that the list server would tend to get bogged down trying to send a nearly 100k message to every user on the list. How about uploading files to common djgpp ftp sites making an announcement as to its whereabouts? OR How about a second mailing list just for binaries? That way, those who want new binaries *NOW* can subscribe to the list and those who don't need the binaries can just read the small announcement message? ---------------------------------------------------------------------- _ _ / |_ ._ o _ /\ |_) _ _| _ _ ._ _ Software Engineer \_| || |_> /--\o | \(_)(_|(_|(/_| _> car AT wwa DOT com _|