Xref: news-dnh.mv.net comp.lang.ada:10965 comp.os.msdos.djgpp:2383 Path: news-dnh.mv.net!mv!news.sprintlink.net!howland.reston.ans.net!math.ohio-state.edu!magnus.acs.ohio-state.edu!lerc.nasa.gov!purdue!oitnews.harvard.edu!cmcl2!schonberg!dewar From: dewar AT cs DOT nyu DOT edu (Robert Dewar) Newsgroups: comp.lang.ada,comp.os.msdos.djgpp Subject: Re: GNAT electronic mailing list ready for subscriptions! Date: 3 Oct 1995 14:43:46 -0400 Organization: Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences Lines: 7 References: <44idc7$e1h AT felix DOT seas DOT gwu DOT edu> Nntp-Posting-Host: schonberg.cs.nyu.edu To: djgpp AT sun DOT soe DOT clarkson DOT edu Dj-Gateway: from newsgroup comp.os.msdos.djgpp i completely agree with Chris Morgan's view of a specialied Solaris news list. That was his original idea, and I fully supported it. It is not that I am irritated by Mike's suggestion, I am just not sure that it is the best choice given our environment. Note that Mike apparently did not understand Chris' intention, because he thought he was following it ... so just a misunderstanding I guess (common enough in electronic discussions!)