Date: Tue, 3 Oct 1995 08:47:14 +0100 From: Andreas Busse To: NMair AT aol DOT com, djgpp AT sun DOT soe DOT clarkson DOT edu Subject: Re: compiling for 68332 or 68010 > > I have just installed djgpp. > How do I set it up to generate code for a M68332. > Is there a faq that tells how to do this. > I guess you've got something wrong. DJGPP is a compilation environment for i386 and above. If you want to compile code for Motorola chips, you need a cross compiler. It should be possible to compile GCC with DJGPP as a i386/68xxx cross compiler, but the DOS configure scripts for DJGPP don't allow this. So you run into the same problem as I have: Before you should even think of configuring GCC as cross compiler under DOS, you first need a couple of Unix tools for DOS, mainly a bourne compatible shell. If you need further details, contact me. Cheers, Andy ----------------------------------------------------------- Andreas Busse | andy AT soft-n-hard DOT de Soft N Hard GbR | Phone: +49 2636-970105 Im Hufen Boden 16, D-53498 Waldorf | Fax: +49 2636-970106 -----------------------------------------------------------