From: "A.Appleyard" To: DJGPP AT SUN DOT SOE DOT CLARKSON DOT EDU Date: Fri, 29 Sep 1995 14:54:50 BST Subject: where? whughes AT eagle DOT wbm DOT ca (William Hughes) wrote to me:- > I've been out of the loop for about 8 months (Papua New Guinea, highlands) > and noticed from the thousands of mail messages that the new release of gcc > is out and patched. Since I saw your address answering questions a lot, and > felt no desire to hassle everyone, I thought I'd just hassle you... > o What site has the 'official' release of djgpp? > o Has GRX been updated to run with? > o What is dj's email address? > o Are templates supported? > Hope you can help... William (Please answer to WHUGHES AT EAGLE DOT WBM DOT CA directly)