Date: Wed, 27 Sep 1995 12:48:55 -0400 (EDT) From: Paw Mullit Subject: Some "stupid" questions from a new user To: djgpp-maillist I'm planning on installing DJGPP on my PC (with QEMM7.04 and the buggy DPMI (normally disabled), and a lot of diskspace and memory), because I prefer PCs DOS to UNIX (no intention on religios wars here!), but since some af my programs will need to run on heavy UNIX-machines because of the calculation time, it's essential that the porting problem is almost non-existing. The programs are relatively simple (mainly ANSI but some CPP), the main problem is that I'm using a lot of large arrays and perform heavy math computations on them. A typical skeleton of a program would look like this (simplified!): ------------------------------- #include #include #include #include #define arraysize 1000000 int intarray[arraysize]; float floatarray[4][arraysize]; functions... main(){ calling functions... } -------------------------------- Q1: Will DJGPP "eat" a program like this, or do I need some special includes? Q2: Will the array(s) be placed/swapped on disk if I'm short on memory (that's not a problem, as long as I can use the array!)? Q3: Do I need to worry about implementing DPMI-calls myself, when I'm using/allocating these large arrays, or is the memoryallocation "invisible" for me? NB: I've studied the FAQ (chap. 15), but it's better to be absolutely sure :-) Sorry if I'm wasting some bandwidth. /Paw Mullit p.t. National Institute of Standards and Technology, Maryland