Xref: news-dnh.mv.net comp.lang.modula2:2145 comp.os.msdos.djgpp:2208 Path: news-dnh.mv.net!mv!news.sprintlink.net!simtel!harbinger.cc.monash.edu.au!bunyip.cc.uq.oz.au!news.qut.edu.au!lederman From: lederman AT dstc DOT qut DOT edu DOT au (Jeff Ledermann) Newsgroups: comp.lang.modula2,comp.os.msdos.djgpp Subject: GPM Modula-2 and Oberon-2 Compilers Date: 27 Sep 1995 00:07:30 GMT Organization: Queensland University of Technology, Australia Lines: 86 Distribution: world Nntp-Posting-Host: typhoon.dstc.qut.edu.au To: djgpp AT sun DOT soe DOT clarkson DOT edu Dj-Gateway: from newsgroup comp.os.msdos.djgpp File locations: ftp.fit.qut.edu.au:/pub/gpm ftp.psg.com:/pub/modula-2/gpm WEB Site: http://www.fit.qut.edu.au/CompSci/PLAS/GPM/ The Gardens Point Modula (GPM) compilers are an ongoing development project for the Programming Languages and Systems Group in the Faculty of Information Technology at the Queensland University of Technology. Commercial GPM Modula-2 compilers are sold for a wide range of UNIX platforms. Front-ends have also been written for Oberon-2, C, and an experimental OO language called Luna. The GPM Modula-2 compilers for Linux, FreeBSD, DJGPP, EMX and MS-DOS are available freely by ftp. Oberon-2 compilers are also available for a number of the platforms. The latest FreeBSD version is yet another port of the Linux version of GPM. It is completely compatible with the Linux version in all respects. Refer to the Linux release notes for any version specific information. MANUALS A complete documentation set has been put on-line, comprising: Library Reference Manual User's Guide to GPM Modula-2 Language Reference Manual Installation and release notes MAILING LIST Join the GPM mailing list by mailing to: majordomo AT dstc DOT qut DOT edu DOT au with the body of the message containing: subscribe gpm Any mail sent to gpm AT dstc DOT qut DOT edu DOT au will get automatically forwarded to all subscribers on the list. The compiler distributions have been placed into sub-directories by operating environment. The files in each sub-directory are prefixed by the language. Pick up the most recent one unless you have some reason to want an older one. Note that the GPM Oberon-2 distribution requires files from the Modula-2 compiler, so you'll need to down-load the modula- files as well for Oberon. README 13-Jul-95 13:57 9K README.gpmpc 13-Jul-95 13:57 5K SUPPORT.DOC 13-Jul-95 13:57 2K djgpp/ modula-jun95.zip 13-Jul-95 13:59 1.1M modula-sep95.zip 21-Sep-95 10:31 1.2M emx/ modula-may95.zip 13-Jul-95 13:59 846K modula-sep95.zip 20-Sep-95 14:20 793K oberon-may95.zip 13-Jul-95 13:59 393K freeBSD/ modula-sep95.tar.gz 25-Sep-95 14:50 730K gpmpc/ modula-aug95.zip 18-Aug-95 07:49 762K modula-mar95.zip 13-Jul-95 13:59 670K linux/ modula-sep95.tar.gz 21-Sep-95 14:15 691K oberon-apr95-fix01.tar.gz 12-Sep-95 09:39 109K oberon-apr95.tar.gz 13-Jul-95 14:00 362K manuals/ modula.ps.zip 13-Jul-95 14:00 627K modula.tex.zip 13-Jul-95 14:00 276K oberon.ps.zip 13-Jul-95 14:00 225K oberon.tex.zip 13-Jul-95 14:00 100K release-notes/ gpmpc.ps.zip 13-Jul-95 14:01 121K modula.ps.zip 13-Jul-95 14:01 122K modula.tex.zip 13-Jul-95 14:01 45K oberon.ps.zip 13-Jul-95 14:01 22K oberon.tex.zip 13-Jul-95 14:01 2K Enjoy. --- Jeffrey Ledermann lederman AT dstc DOT qut DOT edu DOT au http://www.dstc.qut.edu.au/~lederman/ _--_|\ Faculty of Information Technology / QUT Queensland University of Technology \_.--._/ Box 2434 Brisbane 4001 AUSTRALIA v Ph: +61 7 3864 5337 Fax: +61 7 3864 1282