From: Marc Singer Subject: mkdir and errno in V2 To:!sapien!!djgpp (DJGPP List Alias) Date: Thu, 17 Aug 1995 18:02:11 -0700 (PDT) It appears that the mkdir call does not clear errno on success. My code is creating a new path by starting at the full length trying to create the directory. On failure, it removes the last path element and tries again until it succeeds. As soon as it does so, it replaces the path elements one at a time and creates the path one directory at a time. Since it fails once, errno is ENOTDIR. The successful mkdir calls do not clear this value so errno on exit from my procedure is still ENOTDIR. I patch my procedure by clearing errno before each call to mkdir. I'm porting this code fragment as part of CVS. I notice that the procedure assumes that mkdir returns ENOENT when the directory cannot be created. Is the ENOTDIR an incorrect return value? ENOENT is what the Linux libc returns. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Marc Singer | "... but when you eat this ... pear, you elf AT netcom DOT com | are rarely aware of the fact that it was or elf AT sapien DOT com | ... plucked from the branch of this ... < My comments are my own. > | pear tree." -- Charlie V.