Xref: news-dnh.mv.net comp.os.msdos.djgpp:1224 Newsgroups: comp.os.msdos.djgpp Path: news-dnh.mv.net!mv!news.sprintlink.net!howland.reston.ans.net!torn!watserv2.uwaterloo.ca!watserv3.uwaterloo.ca!rshociun From: radu AT io DOT org (Radu Hociung) Subject: djgpp as a cross compiler for 68hc11 Followup-To: radu AT io DOT org Originator: rshociun AT novice DOT uwaterloo DOT ca Lines: 31 Sender: news AT watserv3 DOT uwaterloo DOT ca Nntp-Posting-Host: novice.uwaterloo.ca Organization: Radu's Electronic Mailbox, Waterloo, Ont. CANADA Date: Fri, 28 Jul 1995 18:24:12 GMT To: djgpp AT sun DOT soe DOT clarkson DOT edu Dj-Gateway: from newsgroup comp.os.msdos.djgpp Hello All! I'm trying to get GCC (2.6.3) for DOS to compile itself. While everything appears to compile ok, some files don't get created. These are all of the s-* type. (s-attr, etc). I cannot find these files referenced anywhere in the docs, so I've no idea how vital they are. Something tells me they do serve a purpose, so I don't feel good about ignoring them. Does anyone know what the s- files are for? Anyhow, back to the cross compiling business. I would like to compile a 68hc11 C program. Can someone please take me through the required steps in either DOS or Unix? As a starting point, I do have Coactive's port for the hc11. But I've no idea what to do with it. I've been succesful building the cross assemblers and the cross linker (with Borland C 3.1), so once I get GCC to generate the hc11 ASM output from the C sources I should be fine. The project I'm working on is a micromouse driven by a 68hc11 controller. The packages I have installed are: BNU252BN BSN122BN DJ112M1 DJ112M2 DJ112M3 DJ112M4 DJDEV112 DJDOC112 DJEMU112 DJEOE112 DJLGR112 DJLSR112 DJSRC112 DJTST112 FLX247BN GCC263BN GCC263DC GCC263SR MAK371BN PAT21BN PAT21DC SED118BN TXI310BN TXI310DC. Also FAQ102 Thank you, Radu. -- Radu Hociung - radu AT io DOT org 1B Electrical Engineering, University of Waterloo.