Xref: news-dnh.mv.net comp.os.msdos.djgpp:1228 Newsgroups: comp.os.msdos.djgpp Path: news-dnh.mv.net!mv!news.sprintlink.net!psgrain!agora!agora.rdrop.com!styx From: styx AT agora DOT rdrop DOT com (Styx) Subject: More stuff about LIBGRX 2.0 under DJGPP 2.0 Sender: news AT agora DOT rdrop DOT com (David Greenman) Nntp-Posting-Host: agora.rdrop.com Organization: RainDrop Laboratories Date: Fri, 28 Jul 1995 23:34:43 GMT Lines: 21 To: djgpp AT sun DOT soe DOT clarkson DOT edu Dj-Gateway: from newsgroup comp.os.msdos.djgpp Okay, I got the LIBGRX 2.0 beta (alpha?) stuff (shoulda read the FAQ, eh?)... The makefile runs through everything just fine with the GNUish MAKE (running it from the src/ directory), but alas, dies when trying to run AR. Specifically, AR tells me "invalid operation" after dumping out the names of all the input files. Now, I dunno about you, but this "invalid operation" message doesn't mean much to me... I haven't had any experience compiling libraries, so all of this is a bit foreign. At any rate, I looked at the info on AR in the info program, and the command-line parameters look valid... I would almost venture to guess that the command-line is too long, but all the input files are output by AR (thanks to the "v" switch). Anyway, to the point - if anybody has compiled LIBGRX 2.0 for DJGPP 2.0 (I know there's somebody) please mail me... This is my first library compilation and I don't completely understand why AR is dying on me. Thanks!