Date: Fri, 30 Jun 1995 00:05:39 -0400 (EDT) From: Mitran/Marcel/Mr To: djgpp AT sun DOT soe DOT clarkson DOT edu Subject: if problem Okay, I wrote a program which takes command line parameters. The program parses them in the following way: ... if (*Param == '-') /*This part checks for a dash*/ { Param++; /*Makes char *Param point to */ /*the next character in string */ switch (*Param){ ... /*A few cases here, too long to mention */ case 'p': Param++; if (*Param == 'a') /*The first parameter(-pa)*/ {...} if (*Param == 'b') /*The second parameter(-pb)*/ {...} if (*Param == 'c') /*The third parameter(-pc) */ {...} break; } } Okay, now that is the basic structure of the parser. When I use -pb or -pc, they execute their specific code, but -pa doesn't work because it seems like the if is never tested. If I add the exact same code for the -pa paramter after the test for the -pc parameter while keeping the original if for the -pa, it works now. However, if I remove the comment: /*The first parameter */, the -pb if doesn't work anymore. I don't think it's normal that where I comment my code should affect the compiler output. I guess it's true, well commented code does lead to better programs! Seriously, is this a bug or a programming error on my part? Am I the only one who has this problem? Thanks in advance Patrick Mitran nverever AT ee DOT mcgill DOT ca