From: "George C. Moschovitis" Subject: Concerning V2... To: djgpp AT sun DOT soe DOT clarkson DOT edu (djgpp) Date: Tue, 27 Jun 1995 18:16:07 +0300 (EET DST) Here are some problems i faced with djgppV2-beta1. Some of them may be bugs some of them not. I would like to hear ur comments and possible solutions... 1.------ _PROBLEM: Info doesnt find the .inf,.i etc files... _SOLUTION: in file DJGPP.ENV line 25 change: INFOPATH=%/>;INFOPATH%%DJDIR%/docs to: INFOPATH=%/>;INFOPATH%%DJDIR%/info 2.------ _PROBLEM: I compile the following programm: #include main () { cout << "\nkokoko\n"; } gcc t.cpp -lgpp and i get the error: outfloat.c(...): undefined reference to '_IO_dtoa' _SOLUTION: ??? 3.------ _PROBLEM: Since the gcc port included in the beta1 distribution does not run under go32 i cannot redirect the stderr to stdout with the go32 -2r1 switch to get error loging. _SOLUTION: ??? 4.------ _PROBLEM: In the file \INCLUDE\INLINES\PC.H extern __inline__ void outportb (unsigned short _port, unsigned char _data) { __asm__("outb %1, %0" :: "d" (_port), "a" (_data)); } extern __inline__ void outportw (unsigned short _port, unsigned short _data) { __asm__("outw %1, %0" :: "d" (_port), "a" (_data)); } extern __inline__ void outportl (unsigned short _port, unsigned long _data) { __asm__("outl %1, %0" :: "d" (_port), "a" (_data)); } gives a parcing error before :: (btw the error occured when compiling a C++ programm, perhaps the compiler thinks that this :: is the C++ operator or something...) _SOLUTION: change to: extern __inline__ void outportb (unsigned short _port, unsigned char _data) { __asm__("outb %1, %0" : : "d" (_port), "a" (_data)); } extern __inline__ void outportw (unsigned short _port, unsigned short _data) { __asm__("outw %1, %0" : : "d" (_port), "a" (_data)); } extern __inline__ void outportl (unsigned short _port, unsigned long _data) { __asm__("outl %1, %0" : : "d" (_port), "a" (_data)); } 4.------ _PROBLEM: _SOLUTION: more bugs/problems/questions/simple fixes will follow :) tmL-