From: "A.Appleyard" To: DJGPP AT SUN DOT SOE DOT CLARKSON DOT EDU Date: Tue, 27 Jun 1995 13:05:03 BST Subject: size of A.OUT files I have a big Gnu C++ program (an Emacs text editor) that I wrote. I make its a.out into an .exe file by prepending go32.exe . If compiled without -g, the resulting .exe file is 520953 bytes long, but when I call the DOS command `MEM /C' from inside the program it says that the program as loaded (presumably including go32.exe) occupies only 131584 bytes of conventional memory (and no upper memory). (My go32.exe file is 78810 bytes long.) If thus only 25% of the .exe file is binary program image, what occupies the remaining 75%?