Date: Tue, 27 Jun 1995 04:54:53 GMT From: Kenny To: djgpp AT sun DOT soe DOT clarkson DOT edu Subject: read()? Hello, I am using DJGPP with maint5 and I was doing a program where this code is put into effect: for (;;) { while ((count = read(0, buffer, sizeof(buffer))) > 0) { got_some = 1; for (ptr = buffer, end = buffer + count; ptr < end; ptr++) { unsigned char c = *ptr; if (isgraph(c) || c == ' ' || c == '\t') stream_add_char(s, c); else if (c == '\n') server_receive_line(sh, reset_stream(s)); } } if (got_some || timeout == 0) goto done; sleep(1); timeout--; } I don't think the values of the variables are of significance right now. I changed read(0..etc to read(127..etc (which is invalid) to see what would happen and it displayed the output I wanted but wouldn't get any input (obviously). I changed it back to 0 and it just hangs there without displaying any output. This code is part of Pavel's LambdaMOO server code. I am trying to compile it with DJGPP but this is the only major obstacle I have right now. Is there some bug with the read statement? This works fine on my Linux box.