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From: devens AT uoguelph DOT ca (David L Evens)
Newsgroups: comp.os.msdos.djgpp
Subject: Re: DJGPP extensible w/ other languages?
Date: 2 Jun 1995 20:59:23 GMT
Organization: University of Guelph
Lines: 30
References: <3qmbn5$crs_001 AT it DOT luc DOT edu>
Nntp-Posting-Host: ccshst01.cs.uoguelph.ca
To: djgpp AT sun DOT soe DOT clarkson DOT edu
Dj-Gateway: from newsgroup comp.os.msdos.djgpp

Brian Hawley (bhawley AT luc DOT edu) wrote:
: Hello all!

: I am aware that djgpp supports C, C++ and Objective C using the standard gcc 
: system structure. On other platforms gcc is modular (sort of) and can be 
: extended to support other languages as well. 

: Have any other languages have been ported to djgpp? How easy would this be to 
: do? How well can you mix code written in multiple languages? Where can I look 
: for more information on how to implement some languages of my own? 

: I would be particularly interested in finding or doing the languages Oberon-2, 
: Java (Sun's new language) and other garbage-collected languages.

The principle way that other languages have been added to the gcc 
environments (of which djgpp is one) is by conversion to C/C++ as a 
portion of the compilation process.  Programs exist for the conversion of 
Fortran and Pascal for this purpose, and are distributed in the same 
section as the other development tools in the gcc implementation for most 
Linux distributions.

Ring around the neutron,   |  "OK, so he's not terribly fearsome.
A pocket full of positrons,|   But he certainly took us by surprise!"
A fission, a fusion,       +--------------------------------------------------
We all fall down!          |  "Is his name 'Dick Earth'?"
e-mail will be posted as I see fit.