Xref: news-dnh.mv.net comp.os.msdos.djgpp:55 Newsgroups: comp.os.msdos.djgpp Path: news-dnh.mv.net!mv!news.sprintlink.net!cs.utexas.edu!uwm.edu!spool.mu.edu!umn.edu!jhvogel From: jhvogel AT me DOT umn DOT edu (Jeff Vogel \(Faculty\)) Subject: size of .EXE files Keywords: .EXE size Sender: news AT news DOT tc DOT umn DOT edu (Usenet News Administration) Nntp-Posting-Host: ena.me.umn.edu Organization: University of Minnesota, Twin Cities Date: Fri, 2 Jun 1995 14:31:32 GMT Lines: 17 To: djgpp AT sun DOT soe DOT clarkson DOT edu I have recently intalled djgpp112, and switched from using Microsoft's QuickC (I put it back in the box - gcc has a lot more features). I have been a little disappointed, however, in the size of the coff or .EXE files produced. They are, for the few programs I have compared, about 50% larger than those produced by QuickC, and if I used Microsoft's /EXEPACK link option, the difference is a factor of about 2. Note that this is just comparing coff files to QuickC executables. My question is this - is there an option I haven't found for producing smaller object/executables? I am not including debugging information, and have tried optimizing, but so far I haven't changed the size much. I should also mention that the programs I have tried are typically about 500 lines of code. Thanks for any help. -- Jeff Vogel jhvogel AT me DOT umn DOT edu