Date: Fri, 19 May 1995 17:36:07 -0400 (EDT) From: Ken Bowen Subject: Re: Debuggers To: "Carl D. Burke" Cc: djgpp AT sun DOT soe DOT clarkson DOT edu > It may be powerful if you know how to use it, but where do you learn that? As with most things worth learning, by reading the documentation. I find the GDB quick Reference sheet especially useful. > I've tried setting breakpoints and examining variables, and it gives me > some garbage about non-existent symbols (yes, -g was on). You have to make sure that gdb knows _where_ to locate the source files. Most often this is directly handled by using the 'dirs' command to tell it in which directories to search for your source files. Also, make sure you aren't asking for it to print the value of some macro can't do anything with that since there is nothing in the symbol table. || Ken Bowen Applied Logic Systems, Inc. PO Box 180, ||==== Voice: +1 (617)965-9191 Newton Centre, || FAX: +1 (617)965-1636 MA 02159 USA Email: ken AT als DOT com WWW: