Date: Tue, 16 May 1995 20:03:53 -0400 (EDT) From: Ken Bowen Subject: Summary (where is cat?) To: djgpp AT sun DOT soe DOT clarkson DOT edu Here are the executables contained in the following utility files on /pub/simtel/msdos/gnuish [thanks to Aaron Ucko for pointing me at tut111ax]: (file utils) ------------ chmod.exe cp.exe dd.exe df.exe di.exe du.exe install.exe ls.exe mkd.exe mv.exe rm.exe rmd.exe touch.exe vdir.exe (text utils) ------------ cat.exe cksum.exe comm.exe csplit.exe cut.exe expand.exe fmt.exe fold.exe head.exe join.exe nl.exe od.exe paste.exe pr.exe sort.exe split.exe sum.exe tac.exe tail.exe tr.exe unexpand.exe uniq.exe wc.exe || Ken Bowen Applied Logic Systems, Inc. PO Box 180, ||==== Voice: +1 (617)965-9191 Newton Centre, || FAX: +1 (617)965-1636 MA 02159 USA Email: ken AT als DOT com WWW: