Date: Sun, 7 May 1995 20:51:38 -0400 (EDT) From: Kimberley Burchett Subject: is it me? To: DJGPP Mailing List This seems to be a problem with the C++ compiler. I'd cc it to the gcc people, but I forgot the address. typedef float Block[32][32]; class Foo { public: void Calc(Block & result) { Calc(result); } }; yields this error: In method `void Foo::Calc(float (&)[32][32])' bad argument 1 for function `void Foo::Calc(float (&)[32][32])' (type was float (*)[32]) while this works fine: void Foo(Block & result) { Foo(result); } Is this some C++ lore I don't know about? Grudgingly using pointers, Kimberley