Date: Sat, 22 Apr 95 14:31:53 EDT From: peprbv AT cfa0 DOT harvard DOT edu (Bob Babcock) To: djgpp AT sun DOT soe DOT clarkson DOT edu Subject: Re: TTY Flags Reply-To: babcock AT cfa DOT harvard DOT edu > It hasn't, but one has been _discussed_ for V2. Its functionality, > however, is the Unix-style ioctl. Please use another name for > Dos' if you write it so names don't clash in the future. I suggest > dos_ioctl. But ioctl is a standard DOS function. If you write a unix version, please use a different name to avoid clashes. I suggest unix_ioctl. ;-( Seriously, this is an example of the problem of serving two types of users: DOS programmers trying to escape 640K limits and unix programmers trying to port to DOS. I would suggest that the library should not contain a function called ioctl, rather it should contain both dos_ioctl and unix_ioctl. That way, someone porting code finds out at link time or earlier that ioctl is a problem which must be looked at carefully rather than getting strange failures when ioctl is called with arguments appropriate for another operating system. A simple #define then selects the desired variant.