Date: Thu, 20 Apr 1995 07:57:32 +0300 From: eliz AT is DOT elta DOT co DOT il. (Eli Zaretskii) To: S DOT B DOT M DOT Verstege AT research DOT ptt DOT nl Subject: Re: Problems with gppconio Cc: djgpp AT sun DOT soe DOT clarkson DOT edu > I have a strange error, every time i include gppconio.h (or conio.h) and > compile the source to an object and link it with the other parts. I get the > 'undeclared reference' error... What am i doing wrong ? Must is add an > parameter to the compiler options (-l...).. Functions declared in gppconio.h (or conio.h) are NOT inside the default libc.a library. They are in the libpc.a library which is not searched by default by the linker. Append -lpc to your compilation command line, and your problem will go away. Btw, this is all explained in the DJGPP FAQ list, available as from the same place you got DJGPP (NNN is the latest revision number).