From: Matthew Richey <richeym AT stolaf DOT edu>
Date: Thu, 13 Apr 95 11:11:46 CDT
To: bdavidson AT ra DOT isisnet DOT com
Cc: djgpp AT sun DOT soe DOT clarkson DOT edu
Subject: Re: c++ install problem

Thanks for the information, I think that may be the problem.

   > enviroment variables and such.  When I run "tryit" all is
   > fine.  In general, I can compile C programs.
   > The problem occurs when I try a C++ compile. I get the dreaded
   > segmentation fault.  

   How much memory do you have?  It seems that the C++ compiler takes up 
   more memory (maybe at the link stage?) and so is more sensitive to memory 
   problems.  When I only had 4 Megs of RAM I ran into problems like this.

   > I suspect that the problem is linked to a 
   > similar problem when I run 112m4.bat. It also gives me a segementation
   > fault.  

   I think 112m4.bat runs 'ar' and fixes a large library file, so it also 
   probably uses quite a bit of RAM.

   It should probably be mentioned in the FAQ that if one's available 
   physical memory is below some (unspecified) minimum the djgpp tools are 
   prone to seg faults.

   PS -- I'm usually wrong when I bother to post to this group!

   Good Luck
   Bill Davidson
   bdavidson AT ra DOT isisnet DOT com