Subject: help please To: djgpp AT sun DOT soe DOT clarkson DOT edu Date: Mon, 27 Mar 1995 11:21:30 +0100 (BST) From: Matthew Fidell Hi, I am a psychologist doing a masters degree in Artificial Intelligence and Im about to start my dissertation, a tutor for logo. I've used djgpp in the past for smaller projects but I'm no techie so if you could help in not too technical fashio I'd be very grateful. My problems are these : 1) I,m a bit worried about running out of environment space - is there anything I can do to increase it ? 2) What is this dpmi stuff ? I,m running djgpp on a 486 and I've seen DPMIcome up whilst I've been running other things but what will it do and would it be useful to include it ? 3) I want to have a graphics window and a text window on the screen at the same time - can I do this ? If so, which libraries do I need. I,ve used the basic graphics library before, but libgrx looks a bit complicated for me. I,ve read the manual but I,m a bit lost on all the arguments to the procedures. 4) I want to run sounds off my soundcard thru djgpp. I presume I can do this by calling DOS from djgpp and asking it to play a soundfile ? If you can help just answering one of these I'd be really greatful. Cheers, Mat.