From: "A.Appleyard" To: DJGPP AT SUN DOT SOE DOT CLARKSON DOT EDU Date: Thu, 16 Mar 1995 11:47:30 GMT Subject: Gnu C under Windows? I wrote:- > How is the new (GO32-less) djgpp likely to change matters? > When are these two problems that you mention, likely to be solved? > How is the arrival of Windows 95 / etc likely to change matters? dj AT delorie DOT mv DOT com (DJ Delorie) replied:- > With the absense of the extender, all the issues for itnerfacing with > Windows reside in the program itself - it's just a plain DPMI program. In > theory, with the right libraries and linker (or executable converter), you > could make a pure Win32 application. And Windows 3.1 please: a great lot of people still have Windows 3.1 . > The catch is that we don't have the right libraries and executable > converter, nor do we have a resource compiler (which isn't as big a deal). How long would it likely take for someone who knows more about Windows than I do, to write the required routines etc? I have a copy of a book "Windows 3.1 Programmer's Reference" by James W.McCord (ISBN 0-88022-787-7, publ. 1992 by Que Corporation, page numbers up to 1354), which describes at great length how to call a great lot of the routines needed to call the various things that happen in Windows.