From: Charles Sandmann Subject: Re: V2 To: A DOT APPLEYARD AT fs2 DOT mt DOT umist DOT ac DOT uk (A.Appleyard) Date: Thu, 26 Jan 1995 08:25:29 -0600 (CST) Cc: DJGPP AT sun DOT soe DOT clarkson DOT edu > When will V2 be on On what directory there? V2 hasn't even gone into beta yet (still missing features and bugs). DJ does have GCC running under the new ANSI/POSIX libc, so good progress is being made. Profiling, SIGINT, SIGFPE, SIGALRM are done and working. Still fighting some occasional bugs in HW interrupts under the free DPMI. I expect certain parts of the technology (like the V2 make and maybe GCC driver, graphics?, and CWSDPMI) will be available before the entire package.