From: "brian j tang" Organization: University of Wisconsin To: mmathews AT genesis DOT nred DOT ma DOT us (Mark Mathews), djgpp AT sun DOT soe DOT clarkson DOT edu Date: Wed, 25 Jan 1995 18:09:24 CST Subject: Re: GCC263 and GPP263 Trouble Reply-To: brian DOT tang AT plantpath DOT wisc DOT edu > Same thing happend to me; hung machine and sometimes reboot with gcc.exe. > I replaced gcc.exe (263) with gcc.exe (260) and it worked fine. But this > is not the answer. DJ already knows about it. > > Mark Mathews > I finally fixed it today. I forgot I had taken out EMM386.exe out of my config.sys ( Don't asked me why ). When I reloaded it with about 2Megs of Memory I got it to work. DEVICE=EMM386.EXE 2048 is the syntax I used. Brian J. Tang XXX XXX XXXXX XXXXX XXX XXX Brian J. Tang Programmer & Lan Admin & Student U of Wisconsin XXXX XXXX XX XX XX XX bjt AT plantpath DOT wisc DOT edu XX XX XX XX btang AT cs DOT wisc DOT edu XX XX tangb AT cae DOT wisc DOT edu XXX XXX xXXXXXXXXXXx