Date: Thu, 19 Jan 1995 07:38:40 -0500 (EST) From: Heasley Subject: program crashes with mouse movement? To: djgpp AT sun DOT soe DOT clarkson DOT edu I have written a program with a GUI using DJGPP 1.11m5, libgrx1.03m1 and SUIT from the UVA. At certain places in the program large data files are being read or written. If the mouse is moved sufficiently during one of these disk writing periods the program crashes. The location of the crashs according to symify is: _GrP8PixCopy+942 _GrEraseCursor+60 _GrMoveCursor+272 _rawclock+500 ... Subsequently, I have turned the mouse cursor off before the disk reads and then turned the mouse cursor on after the disk reads/writes and this seems to stop the crashes (MouseEraseCursor, MouseDisplayCursor). This seems to make the program work, but I do not necessarily understand why. I have read the User's Manual for LIBGRX but still do not exactly understand the mouse event handling. Before going through a lot of LIBGRX and SUIT source code trying to understand this problem, I thought that I would post this problem here and see if someone has had a similar problem or if someone could provide a explanation for this mouse/disk behaviour. Any help in this matter would be greatly appreciated. Keith A. Heasley - heasleka AT ptbma DOT usbm DOT gov - (412) 892-6524