From: "Eric.Nicolas" Date: Thu, 19 Jan 95 09:46:48 CST To: djgpp AT sun DOT soe DOT clarkson DOT edu Subject: Re: any success in recompiling SWORD2 ? On Wed, 18 Jan 95, Matthias Burian wrote : >I have some problems recompiling the SWORD2 library. (..) when I tried >to link the main.o file in the sword/work directory, gcc complained >about a duplicated object file ('rawclock') both in 'fake(text+...)' >and in 'mouse(text+...)', and didn't link the demo. In fact, there are NO direct references to rawclock, fake or mouse in Sword2 library !! Personnally, when I compile my library, I never had such problems. Did you look to the .BAT files LINK.BAT in the /WORK directory to see if you typed the linking command line well ? If you think your command line is nice, please send it to me in a mail so as I can see if I find someting wrong. Eric NICOLAS.