Date: Mon, 09 Jan 1995 21:15:03 -0500 (CDT) From: Aaron Ucko Subject: Re: High res modes with djgpp. To: sasbnb AT unx DOT sas DOT com Cc: djgpp AT sun DOT soe DOT clarkson DOT edu Organization: Rockhurst College; Kansas City, MO >am having problems getting it to go into any video mode other than >320x200. > >I have set go32=driver c:\djgpp\drivers\vga.grd gw=640 gh=480 nc=256. The VGA driver assumes you have a plain VGA, so it doesn't support anything better than 320x200x256 (and maybe 640x480x16) >driver. It destroys my color palet, complains about a graphics mode >error, and forces me to reboot to see my screen again. > >I have tried to load my viper vesa driver with vprmode vesa or not >and it makes no difference. Try the GRX VESA driver. Also check the GRX drivers to find one for your (unspecified) chipset. >Additionally, I have tried to figure out how to use djgpp/contrib/libgrx, >but can find no documentation on it. It has a vesa driver which seems Have you looked in djgpp/contrib/grx/docs? --- Aaron Ucko (ucko AT vax1 DOT rockhurst DOT edu; finger for PGP public key) -=- httyp! -=*=-Just because you're paranoid doesn't mean they aren't out to get you.-=*=- Geek code 2.1 [finger hayden AT vax1 DOT mankato DOT msus DOT edu for explanation]: GCS/M/S d(-) H s g+ p? !au a-- w+ v+ C++(+++)>++++ UL++(-)(S+)>++++ P++ L+(++) 3(-) E-(----) !N>++ K- W-(---) M-(--) V(--) po-(--) Y+(++) t(+) !5 j R G tv--(-) b+++ !D(--) B--(---) e>++++(*) u++(@) h!() f(+) r-(--)>+++ n+(-) y?