Date: Fri, 9 Dec 1994 16:35:11 -0800 From: Soren Soe To: djgpp AT sun DOT soe DOT clarkson DOT edu Cc: soeren AT champ DOT xilinx DOT com Subject: emu387 and windows Hello, Two questions: I know that in order to run floating point without a 387, I should set the GO32 "emu" environment variable. This works fine as long as I stay under DOS, but the minute I run my program under windows it crashes the machine. Anybody got a clue? I notice that go32 loads emu387 as a TSR, is it possible to merge emu387 with the executable thereby avoiding the need to load it as a TSR? Thanks for your help. -- Soren Soe Xilinx Inc. phone: 408-879-4555 2100 Logic Dr email: soeren AT xilinx DOT com San Jose, CA 95124