From: Michel ~ZIO~ Morelli Subject: help!!! To: djgpp AT sun DOT soe DOT clarkson DOT edu Date: Fri, 11 Nov 1994 09:26:31 +0100 (MET) Hi all, I'm a new user of djgpp .... I think that is great but now I have a problem... I have take the Xlibemu from (sorry but I don't remeber the exact name), but I have a problem when I try to run the fvwm or other programs like xtetris and so on. The PC say me : GrSetMode : unknow adapter type in driver. Why this ??? I have a Cirrus logic 54xx with 1Mb Ram, on a 486 dx2/66 with 4 mb of ram. Then : 1)where i must to install the files xlibs.exe (arj compressed) and xlibs.exe (always arj compressed)??? 2) how must use the file fvwm ??? Pc return me always GrSetMode : unknow adapter type in driver. ... If a use xrun.bat fvwm nothing happened .... why ?? 3) is there a manual for programming the XlibEmu ??? tnx in advance... -- Morelli Michel moreld AT ghost DOT dsi DOT unimi DOT it Via :) Computer Science Department 20090 Segrate (MI) Ask me for Games on PC Italy Tel 02/only_on_request