Date: Tue, 1 Nov 1994 13:09:13 -0500 From: davis AT amy DOT tch DOT harvard DOT edu ("John E. Davis") To: dolan AT fnoc DOT navy DOT mil Subject: GO32 on a Novell LAN Cc: djgpp AT sun DOT soe DOT clarkson DOT edu >If JED doesn't produce this message from JED code, then it must be >coming from the go32 stuff with which it is wedded. JED definitely does not produce it. (I changed the subject line to reflect this fact.) >set JED_ROOT=c:\editors\jed >set JED_LIBRARY=c:\editors\jed\lib If you have JED_ROOT, you do not need JED_LIBRARY. You can delete this from your environment. Unfortunately, I cannot help you with your LAN. Please post a summary of what you find out. Thanks, --John