Date: Tue, 1 Nov 94 17:02:46 GMT From: dolan AT fnoc DOT navy DOT mil (Kent Dolan) To: davis AT amy DOT tch DOT harvard DOT edu Subject: Re: demacs+djgpp Cc: djgpp AT sun DOT soe DOT clarkson DOT edu John E. Davis said: > In addition, you might want to look into using JED. It is _much_ > smaller and faster than Emacs while providing a close emacs emulation. Oh, I do, I do. But it hasn't worked out as my full time editor, to my grief as a decade long emacs fan (I actually bought and paid for the paper emacs manual, to help gauge my devotion). I work in a mixed environment, sometimes in vanilla DOS, sometimes booted up on a Novell LAN, imitating vanilla DOS, to the best of my understanding.. JED refuses to start up in the second case, complaining that I need to be in real mode. So I end up using JED only when it is worth the hassle to reboot into vanilla DOS to edit a file. Which means only when I have a really huge file none of my other editors will touch. At which times JED is a lifesaver. But only then. Xanthian. -- Kent, the man from xanth. Kent Paul Dolan, CSC contractor at Fleet Numerical. (408) 656-4363. (Navy Unix email: ) (Navy cc:Mail email: ) (real world email: )