Date: Tue, 1 Nov 94 11:58:49 JST From: Stephen Turnbull To: A DOT APPLEYARD AT fs1 DOT mt DOT umist DOT ac DOT uk Cc: djgpp AT sun DOT soe DOT clarkson DOT edu Subject: What directory to unzip what to, of the djgpp .zip archive From: ANTHONY APPLEYARD I have downloaded everything in, and in the course of unzipping it all I have found that:- (1) The whole lot together occupy over 100 megabytes. (2) haven't got `manifest' files. These are all "contributed." QDDVX102.ZIP should probably be eliminated, as AFAIK it has no functionality that is not provided by QDLIB200.ZIP. QDTKT200.ZIP is docs for the last. These three files are 100% useless if you are not running DESQview/X. (3) I had to archive some of the files onto subdirectories to avoid name clashes and scattering of matter among other matter. Here is my .BAT file that I used to unzip all the djgpp archive files in alphabetical order of name (.... = where I have omitted parts here for brevity):- Why'd you do that? The rest of it's pretty boring anyway, but the whole thing would have been useful to some people. In fact, to everybody, as you could just run it even if you don't have all the files. 'Course, it really ought to be parametrized so that people who put their DJGPP in funny places like \usr\src\djgpp and \usr\bin\djgpp and so on can use it. But that's our problem. REM These next 2 .zips had to be unzipped into subdirectories to avoid files REM getting scattered about the main directory c:\djgpp\*.* :- This is a BAD THING and I hope Long Doan will fix it in the next release of fsdb 1.0x :-) md c:\djgpp\fsdb091 cd c:\djgpp\fsdb091 c:\gcczip\unzip386 c:\gcczip\ md c:\djgpp\fsdb104 cd c:\djgpp\fsdb104 c:\gcczip\unzip386 c:\gcczip\ REM & have some different files with the same name, REM so they must be unzipped into subdirectories. Well, of course, they're different versions of the same 'Sally' debugger. Maybe should be eliminated, but I don't know the functionality of fsdb as well as I know qddvx. I will continue to maintain and on my "old versions" site (anon ftp to //, URL is still deprecated but works). REM If I don't put this next cdir in, unzip386 tries to unzip a REM file called C:\DJGPP\EMU386 when there is already a directory REM called C:\DJGPP\EMU386, and complains loudly. YACP (Yet Another Contributed Package): md c:\djgpp\emu112 cd c:\djgpp\emu112 c:\gcczip\unzip386 c:\gcczip\ cd c:\djgpp This one, however, should continue to be maintained in the general release as it is a *different* 80x87 emulator, not a newer version. REM these maint updates must be unzipped last:- c:\gcczip\unzip386 c:\gcczip\ c:\gcczip\unzip386 c:\gcczip\ c:\gcczip\unzip386 c:\gcczip\