From: Charles Sandmann Subject: Re: demacs+djgpp To: milgram AT eng DOT umd DOT edu (Judah Milgram) Date: Mon, 31 Oct 1994 19:15:47 -0600 (CST) Cc: djgpp AT sun DOT soe DOT clarkson DOT edu > Am having difficulties running djgpp out of demacs (with M-x compile). > "compile" runs but I get messages to the effect of "not enough memory > to run go32". I have 8M RAM; is there some sort of basic incompatibility > between demacs and djgpp or do I have something set up incorrectly? You are running out of conventional (640K) memory. You would need like 480K free before running demacs to do this I believe (because you end up with 3 versions of GO32 loaded). If you are close to having enough memory, you can de-stub your images, stub them with GO32.EXE itself and save around 20K per stubbed image, but this makes updating GO32 with bug fixes a nightmare. V2 will solve this problem once and for all unless you want to run things more than 100 nested deep. (No, it's not ready yet.)