Date: Thu, 14 Jul 1994 10:58:45 UTC+0200 From: Francesc Guasch-Ortiz Subject: Functions that i lack of To: djgpp AT sun DOT soe DOT clarkson DOT edu I'm working on MSDOS 2.5.7 GPP. I'm trying to build codebase 5.0 libraries with DJGPP and it lacks a couple of functions quite dummy, but if some1 did it , please, ease my work . I've been looking for these functions at the libraries but didnt found'em if they exist with a different name i've been unable to found , please let me know . Thank you. char *fcvt(double value,int ndig,int *dec,int *sign) for converting doubles to strings int locking(int handle,int cmd,long length) for locking files long filelength(int handle) size of a file int chsize(int handle,long size) changes size of file double pow(double x,double y) power x to y I'm about to do it , i dont want no one to do it, so i didnt say what meant all the parameters, it's for if someone had the same problem and had to code it. thank you francesc guasch