Date: Thu, 19 May 94 11:30:57 EDT To: djgpp AT sun DOT soe DOT clarkson DOT edu Subject: LIBCREF.TEX From: K3A0270 AT EMAIL1 DOT edvz DOT uni-linz DOT ac DOT at (Exler Roland) Reply-To: K3A0270 AT ALIJKU11 DOT edvz DOT uni-linz DOT ac DOT at Hi, there were some posts about Tex'ing the LIBCREF.tex manual. I've got DJGPP _2.57m5_ now and trying to Tex the manual I've got the same problems I remember being on the posts a few weeks ago. I'm using EmTex version 3.0 [3.0a]. Tex reports a lot of 'Undefined Reference...' messages. I've looked at the file 'libcref.aux' which should hold the References, but the last generat is 'Alphabetical List'. No References are generated for all of the '@include' -Files. I can't remember that anyone posted a solution to this problem, so please help me if you know how to get the manual right. Thanks, Roland