From: wozzle!alane AT imageek DOT york DOT cuny DOT edu Subject: Re: How do you detect CTRL-CURSOR KEY??? To: djgpp AT sun DOT soe DOT clarkson DOT edu Date: Thu, 5 May 1994 23:33:44 -0400 (EDT) > > I am trying to detect when the user presses CTRL and a cursor key. > > I can detect a cursor key on its own but I don't know how to detect > > the combination of CTRL and a cursor key. > > When the key comes, in, use dosmemget to look at the BIOS key flags, > which tell you the state of all the shift/ctrl/alt/etc keys. Uh, DJ, did you forget that the system buffers keys? :) You can't be sure the BIOS flags at the time you read the key are the ones in effect when it was typed. The BIOS returns scan codes 115 and 116 for control-left and control-right. It doesn't recognize the others, though. Sounds like it's time for a custom interrupt 9 handler, unfortunately. -- J. Alan Eldridge (alane AT wozzle DOT linet DOT org)