Date: Tue, 9 Nov 93 16:49:21 CST From: "Jeremy Mathers" To: jon AT halsp DOT hitachi DOT com Subject: Re: Conversion of Unix to DOS file names Cc: djgpp AT sun DOT soe DOT clarkson DOT edu >There were some postings a while ago on scripts or programs to convert >Unix filenames to DOS filenames according to a reasonable heuristic >(rather than by inventing bizarre filenames as PC-NFS does), and also to >convert makefiles, etc. Can someone give me a pointer to them? The standard advice I've always given when this question comes up is to look at the ZOO sources. Zoo does, in my opinion, a pretty good job of this and I'd like to see its methodology adapted as a standard. Zoo source is available, of course, from all the usual gang of ftp sites.