Date: Fri, 8 Oct 1993 09:39:38 -0400 From: garym AT virtual DOT rose DOT utoronto DOT ca (Gary Lawrence Murphy) To: djgpp AT sun DOT soe DOT clarkson DOT edu Subject: GRX vs VOGL Just in case I am reinventing the wheel here, I thought I might see if anyone has already adapted the VOGL 'GL' graphics clone for LIBGRX graphics --- I have a very rough driver half-written (if anyone is interested in a jump-start) but a full driver would save a lot of legwork. Also, I am looking into adapting the LIBGRX event system to accomodate the 3D "FastTrap" pointer made by MicroSpeed. Being 3D, this needs to add to the existing event system to accomodate the place, count, scale and reset of the Z dimension, but otherwise, the only difference between this device and a mouse is the function calls are up in the INT 76 range. Any advice or suggestions on how to insert a new event type? One last quick question that received no replies last time (it may not have made the list) --- in Borland C++ it is considered 'bad' to mix malloc and new, and while I expect malloc'ed memory will require 'free' and not 'delete' to discard it, there seems no obstacle to mixing malloc in the C code with new/delete in the C++ side. Is this true? One very last question: The LIBGRX manual has functions for getting the BIOS font, but there doesn't seem to be a way to get the font options record for that font --- VOGL requests both the 8x8 and 8x14 fonts for emergency messages and the @:8x8.fnt (or whatever) call seems a very expedient way to get this, but once I have the font loaded, how do I use it? A short code example would be most useful. Gary Lawrence Murphy ----------------- garym AT virtual DOT rose DOT utoronto DOT ca University of Toronto ---------- 4 Taddle Creek, Toronto, Ont M5S 1A4 Human Factors, Ind Engineering ------------ fax/voice: (416) 978-3776 ----------------------- The true destination is always just here, now