Date: Sun, 19 Sep 93 19:33:19 EDT From: laytonj (jeffrey b.layton) To: djgpp AT sun DOT soe DOT clarkson DOT edu Subject: Compiler Error Hello, I've got v. 1.10 installed with all of the necessary tools. I was using djgpp quite successfully for a while (mostly using f2c to port FORTRAN code). However, I did some house cleaning on my hard disk and now I get an error from gcc. The error is, gcc -O2 -g -m486 -c dgeco.c Bad command or filename Can't open C:/TMP/cca00047 for reading: file not found I'm running gcc under DOS. When I compile under Windows, I get the same error message, but the file that is missing is called cca09332. Does anyone have any ideas? I've tried reinstalling djgcc and it doesn't cure the error. My configuration is, 486/33, 8 Megs of memory DOS 6.0 (no double space) AUTOEXEC.BAT: SET TEMP=C:\DOS SET COMPILER_PATH=C:/DJGPP/BIN SET C_INCLUDE_PATH=C:/DJGPP/INCLUDE SET LIBRARY_PATH=C:/DJGPP/LIB SET TMPDIR=C:/TMP SET GO32TMP=C:/TMP SET GO32=ANSI NODPMI CONFIG.SYS FILE: DEVICE=C:\DOS\HIMEM.SYS DEVICE=C:\DOS\EMM386.EXE HIGHSCAN BUFFERS=22,0 FILES=30 DOS=UMB LASTDRIVE=D FCBS=4,0 DEVICEHIGH /L:1,12048=C:\DOS\SETVER.EXE STACKS=9,256 DEVICEHIGH /L:1,9072=C:\DOS\ANSI.EXE DEVICEHIGH /L:1,4896=C:\DOS\EGA.SYS SHELL=C:\DOS\COMMAND.COM C:\DOS\ /E:800 /P DOS=HIGH Thanks for all of your help, Jeff Layton Clarkson University (Internet: laytonj AT sun DOT soe DOT clarkson DOT edu)