Date: Sun, 22 Aug 1993 15:36:46 -0700 (PDT) From: Mike Wood Sender: Mike Wood Reply-To: Mike Wood Subject: Linking .o files To: DJ I'm trying to compile the latest version of NetHack and I'm have a few little problems with the compiler. It will not link. When compiling the utilities for the game it should build three (3) object file from three seperate programs (makedefs.c, monst.c, & objects.c) AFTER ALL THREE have been compiled to object files, (makedefs.o monst.o, & objects.o) they should all be linked together to from makedefs.exe (which is done in the makefile as "copy /b e:\djgpp\bin\stub.exe+a.out .\makedefs.exe". The problem is that I never get the "a.out" file for the copy command, all I end up with is a copy of stub.exe named makedefs.exe in the current directory I've tried this from the command line: gcc makedefs.o monst.o objects.o I get a "bad command or filename" from DOS. Now you are thinking my path or environment is screwed up or missing and it can't find "gcc.exe", not so! If I type: gcc makedefs.o monst.o objects.o foo.o then I get a "gcc.exe: foo.o: file not found" message. Am I missing switch? the docs for compiling NetHack so NO switches required for linking. Thank you, (in advance) Mike Wood