Date: Thu, 3 Jun 93 15:17:04 -0600 From: Shui Tan To: djgpp AT sun DOT soe DOT clarkson DOT edu Subject: C++ not working I downloaded the djgpp1.10/gcc241. The first problem I had was I couldn't find the include files for C. So, I copied all the .h files from the older version djgpp I had. Am I suppose to do that or the files are hidden some where? The second problem is I can't get the C++ work. Here is the program I tried to complie. #include main() { cout << "hello, world\n"; } C:DJ241\PROG>gcc -o test c:/tmp/ccb00054(.text+1c): undefined reference to `cout' c:/tmp/ccb00054(.text+21): undefined reference to `operator<<(ostream &, const char *)' C:\DJ241\PROG> Any idea what's going on? I set all the envior variable in the autoexec.bat file as the readme file said. Thanx for the help!