From: ckgp!thomas AT uunet DOT uu DOT net Subject: Someone please help!!! To: uunet!!djgpp AT uunet DOT UU DOT NET (djgpp) Date: Thu, 27 May 93 13:49:21 EDT Hi, Can someone with the GNU compiler Documentation please do me a big favor... could you tell me if the doc says anything about who ported GNU CC to the clipper chip (hopefully an e-mail address)? DJ, do you have an idea about when djgpp 2.0 might be done? I am wondering because someone I know (my boss) is preparing a CD-ROM with a bunch of stuff (freeware,pubdomain,info etc) to distribute, and would like to get the latest and greatest if possible... Thanks for the info... ================================================================================ Thank you, || "Sol est invisiblis in hominibus, in terra vero Michael Thomas || visibilis, tamen ex uno et eodem sole sunt ambo" (..uunet!ckgp!thomas) || -- Theatrum Chemicum (Ursel, 1602) ================================================================================