Date: 22 Jan 93 13:23:04 UT From: /S=R.ANDERSON/OU=R01F04A/PRMD=USDA.FS.X400/ADMD=TELEMAIL/C=US/ To: /PN=djgpp/OU=R01F04A/PRMD=USDA.FS.X400/ADMD=TELEMAIL/C=US/ Subject: Novice Alert! Since I have to get to the Internet via a X.400 gateway and do ftp ala ftpmail I have to resort to this to find information in a reasonable period of time. Two quick (I hope) questions. 1. Has perl been ported using djgpp? If so is there a compiled version available? Yes I have sources but doing the port myself is like trusting a child with a burning candle, who knows what will go up in smoke. 2. Are there any PD or FSF sources for classes, methods, etc. to handle matrices? I not a real programer, mostly play at it, but I'm working on a project that I don't want to get bogged down in the details with. (Read that as lazy.) Thanks for any help, Rod Anderson U.S. Forest Service Nursery Information Manager Northern Region (208) 765-7377 pacific Coeur d'Alene Nursery /S=R.ANDERSON/OU=R01F04A/PRMD=USDA.FS.X400/ADMD=TELEMAIL/ eschew obfuscation