Subject: Running GCC (1.08) under DESQview/X To: djgpp AT sun DOT soe DOT clarkson DOT edu Date: Sat, 10 Oct 92 15:54:54 MDT From: arrakis!thor AT uunet DOT UU DOT NET (Robert B. Hood) I have a problem. I have been using DJGPP 1.08 recently to develop some X clients (I'm currently trying to port/re-write an MS-DOS News reader [SNEWS for UUPC] as an X client). I seem to remember that DJ had said that 1.08 would execute properly under an MS-DOS window of DESQview/X. I cannot seem to make that happen without locking up my whole system (I have to exit to DOS, compile, re-start DV/X, test,repeat). Is it, in fact, the case that DJGPP 1.08 will run under DV/X 1.02+, or is that still forthcoming? If it does, why do you suppose mine is hanging? Is there some special setting or command-line switch required? I have all the proper environment settings (otherwise, my MS-DOS compiles wouldn't work), about 545,000 bytes available in my DV/X MS-DOS window, on a '486 33 with 8MB RAM. Thanks in advance. Bob -- Bob Hood thor AT arrakis DOT denver DOT co DOT us H: 303-980-8392 W: 303-632-2180 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 152,000 miles-per-second: Not just a good idea, it's the law!