Date: Fri, 28 Aug 92 17:02:07 +0200 From: Subject: Re: environment variables To: djgpp AT sun DOT soe DOT clarkson DOT edu >Is it possible to set the gcc configuration via a data file rather >than environment variables. You could place it in the same directory >as gcc.exe (perhaps calling it GCC.CFG). GCC.CFG would have all >the options set using environment variables. The reason this >is important is that I often run out of environment space because >of the number of environment variables gcc and other programs >define in the autoexec.bat file. One could be allowed to override >the gcc.cfg using the environment variable approach. Does this >seem reasonable to you? > It is always possible to enlarge the environment space. I have solved the problem by creating a gccinit.bat file that sets the path and all neccessary environment variables for djgpp. This I run when I want to use djgpp. I have also created a batfile called gccend.bat that restores the path and removes all environment variables so that I can use the space for something else. I use this method for all programs (except DOS5) that needs to use environment variables. Peter Rojsel MAX-lab, Lund University Lund, Sweden