Date: Fri, 12 Jun 92 08:55:44 -0600 From: gershon%gr DOT cs AT cs DOT utah DOT edu (Elber Gershon) To: djgpp AT sun DOT soe DOT clarkson DOT edu Subject: Bug in 386 code generation? hi, Can someone please try to compile this small C function using DJGPP? It core dumps when I try to compile it using the two Port of gcc to OS2 (Actually the EMX port do dump the core!!!). Since I switched to OS2, I cannot run DJGPP. I would like to know if this problem related to the 386 code generation of GCC (so I can report it to them) or is it a problem on OS2 only. Needless to say, the code does compile on GCC using other (than 386) architectures. thanks! Gershon C function follows: --------------------------------------------------------------------------- double dbl_raise(); double make_tics(tmin,tmax,logscale) double tmin,tmax; int logscale; { double xr,xnorm,tics,tic,l10; l10 = fabs(tmin-tmax); if (logscale) { tic = dbl_raise(10.0,(l10 >= 0.0 ) ? (int)l10 : ((int)l10-1)); } return(tic); }