Date: Sat, 4 Apr 92 14:19:25 -0600 From: wfs AT nicolas DOT ma DOT utexas DOT edu (Bill Schelter) Posted-Date: Sat, 4 Apr 92 14:19:25 -0600 To: cjwein AT watcgl DOT waterloo DOT edu Cc: djgpp AT sun DOT soe DOT clarkson DOT edu Subject: Re: Disk cache with DJGPP and in general Reply-To: wfs AT nicolas DOT ma DOT utexas DOT edu Status: O I have tried hyperdsk but have found that when I have several go32 things running that I get failure. [ie machine locks up]. eg have demacs stopped have akcl running and invoking gcc from akcl via system. I have no such errors when I don't use hyperdsk. It fails very consistently when I do. This is with a ps/2 386 and using the hyper386.exe c:4000 Also I could not tell hyperdsk to use the whole 16 MB of memory. ---------- The compiles do go nice and fast however under hyper386 cache. Bill