Date: Fri, 13 Mar 92 18:21:48 CST From: mgx!thite AT uu DOT psi DOT com (Tom Hite) To: dj AT ctron DOT com, ericb AT lsid DOT hp DOT com Subject: Re: djgpp ndmake and PBMPLUS Cc: djgpp AT sun DOT soe DOT clarkson DOT edu, lee AT uhunix DOT uhcc DOT hawaii DOT edu Status: O Let me get this all straight. setmode(stdout, O_BINARY) doesn't work. I suppost that also means fopen("file", "wb") doesn't work. You see, I am having great difficulty getting the URT to work correctly in my Rayshade port and it stems from binary (RLE) files not writing correctly. Thus, this could well be the problem, or I gotta still do my 'play electron' debugging still. Tom Hite mgx!thite AT uu DOT psi DOT com